
Mahipal Ganji
Website: https://biochem.iisc.ac.in/mahipal-ganji.php
Email: ganji@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Single-molecule biophysics, DNA-Protein interactions, Super-resolution imaging, genome organization

Debraj Ghosh
Website: http://www.civil.iisc.ac.in/people/debraj-ghosh/
Email: dghosh@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Computational mechanics, Stochastic finite elements, Probabilistic methods, Domain decomposition techniques, Parallel computing.

Prasanta Kumar Ghosh
Website: http://www.ee.iisc.ac.in/new/people/faculty/prasantg/
Email: prasantg@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Engineering models for speech science; Machine learning; Text Analytics.

Dipanjan Gope
Website: https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~dipanjan/
Email: dipanjan@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Electromagnetics, Antenna.

Thirupathi Gudi
Website: http://math.iisc.ac.in/~gudi/
Email: gudi@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations.

Vishwesha Guttal
Website: http://ces.iisc.ac.in/new/?q=user/36
Email: guttal@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Behavior, Ecology, Evolutio.

Srikanth K Iyer
Website: http://www.math.iisc.ernet.in/~skiyer/
Email: skiyer@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Theoretical and applied probability, statistics, branching particle systems, random geometric graphs, mathematical finance, credit-risk modelling, time-series analysis, Monte Carlo simulatio.

Chirag Jain
Website: https://at-cg.github.io/
Email: chirag@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Bioinformatics, algorithms for genome sequencing, combinatorial algorithms, high-performance computing.

Shashi Jain
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/jainshashi/home
Email: shashijain@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Computational finance, Monte Carlo methods for derivate pricing, Financial risk management, Real Options.

Mohit Jolly
Website: https://be.iisc.ac.in/~mkjolly/mohit/
Email: mkjolly@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Epithelial Mesenchymal Plasticity; Non-genetic mechanisms of adaptive resistance; Collective behaviour in cancer population.

Sekar K
Website: http://cds.iisc.ac.in/faculty/sekar/
Email: sekar@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Structural Biology and Biocomputing, Statistical Crystallography, Algorithm development, Database analysis & maintenance, World Wide Web (WWW) based internet computin.

Navin Kashyap
Website: https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~nkashyap/
Email: nkashyap@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Error-Control Coding, Quantum Coding, Information Theory, Data Compression, DNA-Based Data Storage, Discrete Applied Mathematics (a broad umbrella for much of what I do).

Apoorva Khare
Website: http://www.math.iisc.ac.in/~khare/
Email: khare@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Positivity and analysis; representation theory of Lie algebras and algebras with triangular decompositions; combinatorics and discrete mathematics (with connections to the two research areas above).

Sudha Kumari
Website: https://mcbl.iisc.ac.in/sudha-kumari/
Email: sudhakm@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Understanding immune cell social behaviour and immunosurveillance in diseases and therapies.

Sekhar M
Website: http://www.civil.iisc.ac.in/people/sekhar-m/
Email: muddu@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Groundwater hydrology, agro-hydrology, satellite hydrology using numerical methods, geospatial & geophysical methods, optimization & inverse approaches, and specifically in the following themes.

Phani Motamarri
Website: https://cds.iisc.ac.in/people/faculty/name/phani-motamarri/
Email: phanim@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Computational Materials Physics, Computational algorithms for ab-initio material modeling at extreme-scale, Machine learning for materials design, High-performance computing, Computational solid mechanics, Finite-element methods, open-source code development using finite-elements for density functional theory (DFT-FE).

Banibrata Mukhopadhyay
Website: http://www.physics.iisc.ernet.in/~bm/
Email: bm@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Physics of compact objects, astrophysical fluid dynamics andaccretion disk theory, nuclear astrophysics, astroparticle physicsand cosmology, field theory in curved space-time.

Aditya Murthy
Website: http://www.cns.iisc.ac.in/aditya/research.html
Email: adi@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Our lab studies the neural and computationalbasis of movement planning and control with an emphasis to understand the basis of flexibility and control that is the hallmark of intelligent action. From the perspective of behavior we seekto understand the nature of computations that enable motor control; from the perspective of the brain we seek to understand the contribution of circumscribed neural circuits to motor behavior; and by recording the electrical activity of neurons and muscles we seek to understand how such computational processes are implemented by the brain. Our research interests span the fields of visual perception, decision-making, and the generation of motor behavior and involve the application of cognitive/psychophysical,neuropsychological and electrophysiological techniques.

Chandra Murthy
Website: https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~cmurthy/doku.php?id=home
Email: cmurthy@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Wireless communications, Signal Processing.

Tejas G Murthy
Website: http://www.civil.iisc.ac.in/people/tejas/
Email: tejas@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Experimental mechanics, Image based def.rmation measurements, Large strain plasticity, Granular mechanics.