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Arvind Ayyer (Convener)
Website: http://math.iisc.ac.in/~arvind/
Email: arvind@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

My research interests are in the intersection of statistical physics, combinatorics and probability.

Aloke Kumar
Website: https://kumarlab.com/
Email: alokekumar@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Soft Matter/Complex fluids, Bacteria, Biofilms, Microfluidics, Opto-electrofluidics and Biophysics

Ananth Govind Rajan
Website: https://agrgroup.org
Email: ananthgr@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Discovery of Catalysts and Mechanisms for Sustainable Energy Conversion

Anirban Chakraborthy
Website: http://cds.iisc.ac.in/people/faculty/name/anirban-chakraborty/
Email: anirban@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Visual analytics, Data association over graphs, Data fusion and consistency, Applications of computer vision and machine learning in bio-medical image analysis, video surveillance.

Arnab Barik
Website: https://cns.iisc.ac.in/people/arnab-barik/
Email: arnabbarik@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Neurobiology of Pain and Itch

Bikramjit Basu
Website: http://www.mrc.iisc.ac.in/bikramjit-basu/
Email: bikram@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Materials Science Ceramics

Chiranjib Bhattacharyya
Website: https://eecs.iisc.ac.in/people/chiranjib-bhattacharyya/
Email: chiru@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Machine Learning, Convex Optimisation, Autonomous Systems

GK Ananthasuresh
Website: https://mecheng.iisc.ac.in/people/g-k-ananthasuresh/
Email: suresh@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

MEMS/NEMS MEMS and NEMS Sensors Fundamental research in NEMS/MEMS

Konduri Aditya
Website: http://cds.iisc.ac.in/faculty/konduriadi/
Email: konduriadi@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Fluid Mechanics; Combustion; Numerical Methods; High Performance Computing; Data Science; Scientific Machine Learning

Kunal Narayan Chaudhury
Website: http://www.ee.iisc.ac.in/faculty/kunal/
Email: kunal@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Image Processing, Algorithms, Convex Optimization

L. Sunil Chandran
Website: https://www.csa.iisc.ac.in/~sunil/
Email: sunil@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Design and analysis of algorithms, graph theory

Nagasuma Chandra
Website: http://proline.physics.iisc.ernet.in/chandralab/research.php
Email: nchandra@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Research areas that are being pursued actively in the laboratory are broadly described under two categories: (A) Systems Biology, (B) Structural Bioinformatics, both combined towards addressing fundamental aspects of disease processes, obtaining global perspectives of perturbations in disease and application of that knowledge to tackle specific problems in disease diagnosis, drug discovery and immunology. A range of mathematical models, at multiple levels and scales are utilized for these.

Neelam Sinha
Website: https://cbr-iisc.ac.in/neelam-sinha/
Email: neelam@cbr-iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Multi-modal Neuroimaging using Machine Learning

Ratikanta Behera
Website: http://cds.iisc.ac.in/faculty/ratikanta/
Email: ratikanta@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Tensor Decompositions, Neural Networks, Numerical Linear Algebra, Generalized Inverses of Tensors, Wavelets in Scientific Computing, High-Performance Computing.

Sachin Deshmukh
Website: http://www.cns.iisc.ac.in/home/people/sachin-deshmukh/
Email: sachin@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Neural mechanisms of learning and memory

Siddharth Jhunjhunwala
Website: https://jhunjhunwalalab.in/
Email: siddharth@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Immuno-engineering, Biomaterials, Drug Delivery

Sridharan Devarajan
Website: http://cns.iisc.ac.in/sridhar
Email: sridhar@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

How does our brain enable us to pay attention selectively to some things, and to ignore others? What happens in the brain when we make important decisions? Our research focuses on understanding the neural basis of cognitive phenomena such as selective attention and decision making. To address these questions we follow a quantitative approach that combines neuroscience experiments, model-based analyses (e.g., linear/nonlinear dynamical systems, control theory, machine learning) as well as large-scale computer simulations. We directly measure or perturb brain activity with a variety of techniques, including functional neuroimaging (fMRI), diffusion imaging (dMRI), high-density electro-encephalography (EEG), and transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulation (tES/tMS). The overarching goal is to develop a unified framework that describes how cognitive phenomena emerge from neural computations by a systematic analysis of brain and behavior.

S. P. Arun
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/visionlabiisc/
Email: sparun@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Visual perception, Image processing, Neuroscience

Pawan Bharadwaj
Website: https://pawbz.github.io/
Email: pawan@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Seismic Imaging; Seismic Interferometry; Earthquake Seismology

Uday Kumar Reddy B.
Website: https://www.csa.iisc.ac.in/~udayb/
Email: udayb@iisc.ac.in

Research Areas:

Compilation for multicores and accelerators, Automatic parallelization, Programming language and runtime system design

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